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30 books about pets!

Updated: May 24, 2021

Pets are a special part of your family and that's why we see so many great books featuring fur babies. Here's a list of 30 books about pets you'll want to check out.

Such a touching story about life and death and friendship... a rescue dog befriends a human named Nonnie. They really have a great time together but as Nonnie’s health declines the little dog doesn’t totally understand what’s happening but offers unconditional love all the way through. Eventually Nonnie passes and the dog has to come to terms with the realities of life.

This is really a special book and well illustrated. I think it’s great for children dealing with the loss of of a loved one or a pet. Definitely worth checking out!

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Celebrating the wonderful relationship we have with dogs, this one's perfect for all of you dog lovers out there. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, cute idea, beautiful illustrations.

Such a simple idea! It’s basically all about why we love dogs. Features a heartfelt poem about how dogs make us feel and the experience of having a dog as a member of the family. Nice rhyming text and professional illustrations.

The poetic flow of the text creates nice pacing when you read it out loud, it goes well with the art. I highly recommend checking this out! Another wonderful addition to the Children’s Bookshelf!

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It’s about two cats that head out in the morning to play outside. They start the day off with a nutritious meal and little picnic with Mrs. Bear. Then they continue on, bumping into lots of other forest creatures along the way. Each one of their forest friends offers an adorable bit of knowledge, like... helping others is important, being together with your family is important or exercise and moving your body is important. In the end the sun starts to set and the two cats head home and go to sleep, but not before pointing out that “Sleep is important, it prepares you for the exciting adventures that lie ahead!” I LOVE THIS BOOK!

This feels to me like a perfect bedtime story, I read it at school to my students though and of course they loved it. This book has a strange calming effect on the kids, maybe it’s the soft illustrations or the way the text is written but I couldn’t help but read it in a soft, chilled out manner. My students were unusually quiet and super into it, they asked to read it again in the afternoon. Add this one to your collection, it will come in very handy at bedtime and quickly become one your favorites! I’m so happy to include this one on my Children’s Bookshelf!

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Super funny book that is guaranteed to get some laughs. This is especially funny for anyone who has a pet cat and understands cat behavior. Really great concept for a book.

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About a boy who’s thinking about his pup and daydreams about how great it would be, if his dog could do more than the average dog. He day dreams about a lot of things like what if he could do his chores or his homework for him. In the end he realizes that his dog is pretty perfect the way it is and that given the chance he wouldn’t change a thing.

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Wonderful book and based on a true story. About Bob the cat who has received massive fame online, on the big screen and in a best selling book called “A street cat named Bob”. This is a prequel, explaining Bob’s life leading up to when he met his best friend. Great illustrations and a wonderful story. You will love Bob!

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This is such a beautiful story. A shelter dog is sad that nobody wants him because he’s not as cute as the other dogs. When one day a blind boy comes in looking for a seeing eye dog and chooses him. He’s not a seeing eye dog but the parents can see the boy wants him, so they agree. They become the best of friends and after the dog saves the him from an accident the family decides to bring the pup to a trainer. To everyone’s surprise the doggy does well and is actually a fantastic seeing eye dog. Goes to show you should never judge a book by it’s cover and sometimes in life all we need is a chance.

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This book is lighthearted and positive, and really very cute. I read it with my kindergarten kids and they liked it a lot. The main character is a little dog who is at the shelter waiting to meet his new family. The other dogs are meeting their families and that gives Spikey Boy hope that his family is coming soon. Spikey tried hard to stand out with some fast tricks and a super cute face that’s impossible to say no to, Spikey finally finds his family.

Simple concept and nice illustrations make this book perfect for young kids and especially for families with dogs. I love the emphasis on adopting from the shelter rather than buying a puppy. I think it’s a great practice and should be represented in media a lot more. Definitely enjoyed this book and happy to have it on my Children’s Bookshelf.

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This is a super sweet book, you can tell a lot of love went into this. Based on a real cat, this is a lovely choice for children dealing with the loss of a pet. It celebrates the life of a cat named Harry and the love his family had for him. It features all the funny things about his personality and the unique character he was. Eventually after a long life Harry started to feel unwell and stopped eating. The family took him to see the vet and they were given the sad news that Harry didn’t have long. Written from a little girls point of view of the situation, her mother helps her to understand that this is part of life and not to worry because Harry will be happy in heaven. She explains that Harry will come back to visit her in her dreams sometimes or send a little bird or a butterfly to check on her.

Really a very touching book and enormously comforting for anyone mourning the loss of a loved one. It’s a wonderful way to help children realize that the feelings they’re having are normal and everything will be ok. The illustrations are lovely, reading this brought back a flood of memories of a few different cats that were a part of my family over the years. I REALLY loved this book ♥️ it’s such a beautiful way to honor the life of Harry. If you have pets do yourself a favor and pick this one up!

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This is such a good book, read it with my students and they loved it. The illustrations are great and filled with humor.

If you’ve ever thought about having a pet dragon this is a pretty important book to read. It’s a lot of work to take care of your pet dragon but fortunately this book will teach you what a day in the life of your dragon will look like. Everything from a huge breakfast to cookies and milk after bath time.

If you’re looking for some new books, this one is fun!

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This is a true story and really is a wonderful book filled with life lessons. I can’t even believe this happened, the world is such an amazing place. A young boy finds a canary near his school and adopts it. Soon it becomes the classroom pet. Will the bird ever find its way home?

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Wonderful chapter book and very well written. About a cat that becomes curious about his past and wants to find his father. He decides he’s going on an adventure to find him, a few of the neighborhood animals decide they’re coming too and so they set off. Along the way they have some close calls, make some new friends and encounter danger that requires some serious team work to overcome. The author did a great job of telling this story and I love that he left it open at the end for more books to come.

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Follow Prank the cat and see what kind of mischief he gets into. I love that Prank is actually a real cat and now the whole world can see what kind of trouble he causes. Also I really love the “Prank bloopers” illustrations at the end of the book. That’s the first time I’ve seen that, what a smart idea. Excellent book!

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Fanny and his family are at the beach and Fanny sees a boy struggling to swim against the current. Without hesitation Fanny swims out and saves the boy!

So before I read this book to my class I played a few YouTube videos of dogs actually swimming out to save people from drowning. The kids were amazed, with the stage set I read them the story and these kids got so into it! They started asking all kinds of questions about Fanny as if he was a real dog like “Teacher, has Fanny ever saved anyone else?” , “Does Fanny have any babies?” Etc... then the kids started telling me these long-winded stories about their dogs and how their dogs like to swim at the beach like Fanny, and that their dogs don’t like fish but Fanny does ... the whole thing was absolutely adorable and I was really happy to see how this book inspired that level of interest in them. It really resonated with my class and I enjoyed the book very much. Happy to have it on my children’s bookshelf.

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Lovely book and written in rhyme. We’ve all had socks go missing, why does that happen to everyone? The kids in the book want to find out where their socks went. Beautifully illustrated and featuring little clues that will keep readers searching. Little Goldy the adorable puppy is such a great character and super cute to watch as he tries to hide his secret.

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This is a fun book about a street cat and it’s loosely based on the life of a real cat. Living on the streets is not easy for Benny, one day he sees a dog band playing and feels inspired to write some songs. He really wants to join the dog band but he’s a cat and they weren’t up for it. Unsure of himself he keeps his songs to himself and only sings them with his ginger friend. Eventually the two would find happy homes and lose touch. Benny finally decides its time to start a band and begins auditions. With his new band together they are ready to go on stage until Benny notices the dog band in the audience. Feeling shy and self conscious now he doesn’t know what to do until out of nowhere his long lost ginger friend greets him. He gives him encouragement and the confidence he needs to go out there and sing his little heart out.

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This was such a fun read filled with humor and from the point of view of Steve the cat. Very short chapters almost like journal entries follow Steve from birth to adoption to exploring his neighborhood on Martha’s Vineyard. I found it to be hilariously entertaining and kids will too. It has a Lexile range of 610L - 800L so that makes it perfect for 3rd or 4th graders. I think as a read aloud it’s guaranteed to be a crowd pleaser so that might be something to consider. There are a lot of cultural references that an adult can accentuate while reading to the kids that for sure will bring the story to life, like Boston slang and accent. The cat makes friends with the local squirrels and wonders why instead of “car” they say “cah” and the squirrels tell him the road they live on has a wicked cool history. The book is very smart and definitely worth picking up and not super long only 40 pages. I’m happy to have this one on my Children’s Bookshelf!

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Follow Tub Tub the cat while he shows the reader his daily routine. He loves mornings and all the lively action the city has to offer. Watch him through the seasons as he visits the bakery, plays in the grass and says hello to his duck friends and more. This wonderfully illustrated book is very cute and written in rhyme and 100% guaranteed to be hit with your kids!

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A sweet story about a dog named Angel who was injured badly in an earthquake. Angel is concerned that she might have troubles finding a family because she’s injured. It’s not long before a loving family decides to adopt her and when they take her to the vet they discover she needs to have her leg amputated. It’s ok though because now she isn’t in any more pain and she now has a forever home where she is loved. This story illustrates the universal need for love and empathy and also brings awareness to the importance of adopting animals if possible. They have souls and emotions and all they need is for someone to give them a chance. I read this to my students on the projector and they enjoyed it. After we talked about how adopting dogs is a great thing to do and it turns out a handful of my students have rescues.

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About a little girl who goes to the animal shelter and picks out the dog that no one wanted. She brought Rosie the dog home and it wasn’t long before Rosie was used to her new surroundings. Gela was so excited when Rosie finally relaxed and let her guard down. She was like a superhero dog with a cape and everything. Excited to have a new furry friend Gela took Rosie all around town. When dogs know they’re loved, their humans get love back in a super huge way and can’t help but look at their pup like a little superhero ❤️

All about love and extremely heartwarming, this book will surely put a big smile on your face. I like seeing books that promote adopting dogs, it’s great to see. This is a wonderful bedtime story and a must have if you have a rescue pup.

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Super upbeat and fun book about a little girl and her best friend Milo the dog. Together they go out hunting for frogs and soon find out frogs aren’t that easy to catch.

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At the beginning a girl is looking for her dog. She asks several different animal friends and eventually finds Bejou the dog. Bejou explains that she’s ready to go to the rainbow, it’s her time to go. The little girl feels sad about this but the dog explains that it’s ok and that they will always be together in each other’s hearts. The little girl understands and feels much better about it and after saying goodbye, Bejou goes up the rainbow.

The loss of a family pet is often a child’s first time dealing with death and all of the emotions that come with it. Books like this can be really helpful. Great book, excellent illustrations and good writing... Definitely worth checking out.

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It’s impossible to read this book without wanting a puppy of your own. It’s all about puppies and having a new dog, a great book to read with kids leading up to getting the family dog. It clearly depicts all the wonderful things about owning a puppy but also includes the responsibilities that come with it too. There’s even tips for owners in the back of the book.

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Really fun read aloud. Meet Crazy Cat and follow her as she rides her pink tricycle, hunts under the cover of darkness and faces the new dog in the neighborhood.

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I’m sure we’ve all met a few dogs that thought they were human. Filled with humor this is sure to get some laughs. Cooper is a rescue dog with a lot of personality and possibly doesn’t realize he’s a dog. Tells the story of Cooper as he adjusts to his new family and they adjust to him and all the hilarious examples of him trying his best to act more human. Funny illustrations add to the upbeat, quirky text perfectly... My students and I had a great time reading this one. Definitely worth checking out!

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This book follows a day in the life of a (real life) little schnauzer called Klaus. Watch him chase squirrels and birds and play in the park. Like all dogs he's seriously excited about treats and walk time. It’s just good doggy fun for all you doggy lovers! I read this one with my students and they really liked it. The concept is simple, the illustrations are fun, it's a great read aloud. Definitely worth picking up and in the back it even includes a little activity for kids to go back through the book and find the hidden objects. The kids enjoyed that part of the book a lot, we had some laughs going through the book again and finding those things.

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Very well written and beautifully illustrated, this is a great book to introduce Veterinarians to children. It’s a day in the life of a vet and features a dog who has gobbled up a bunch of things he shouldn’t have and is now feeling sick. It goes through the whole process of him at the vet all the way through to surgery. It’s a very simple concept and it works! I love the characters, it’s really cute how the vet’s employees are also animals, it adds a playful element to the illustrations. Highly recommend this one, it’s worth picking up especially if you have a family pet.

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Super cute perspective, it’s narrated by a French bulldog named Pickles. Pickles and his little brother Ocho realize it’s moving day and Pickles isn’t very happy about it. He has his favorite places around the house and doesn’t want to leave them. Reassured by his papas that the new house will be great, they hit the road and say goodbye to the old house. Ocho is curious and deals with it pretty well but Pickles is still feeling a bit unsure about this whole thing. Once they arrive Ocho shows him a some NEW favorite places he can sleep in, like under the desk, by the fireplace or by the glass doors in the kitchen. They explore the property together and soon Pickles realizes that it doesn’t matter where they are because his favorite place is with his family. Such a great concept and look at these wonderful illustrations, two thumbs up!

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A fun book with an excellent lesson and a lovely ending. About a black cat that wishes he had different fur to fit in more with the other cats and some people were afraid. He visits a little lady who casts spells and makes potions. He ignores her warnings and asks for different fur only to discover that he liked how he looked better before. Learning a lesson about self esteem, he realizes that he was great the way was and that he should have listened when the little lady said she likes him how he is. Eventually he goes back to his original color and finds a happy home with the little lady.

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Adorable book, follows the runt of the litter as he excitedly awaits meeting his new family. Of course, like all puppies he has no problem making a mess and getting into a bit of mischief. Great illustrations and written in rhyme, all around great bedtime story.

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